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710425672743 Playstation 5 0 Take 2 Civilization VII PS5 49.00 62
710425578687 Playstation 5 0 Take 2 Grand Theft Auto V (LATAM) PS5 21.50 96
710425671210 Playstation 5 0 Take 2 Lego 2K Drive (LATAM) PS5 24.00 3
710425671371 Playstation 5 0 Take 2 LEGO 2K Drive PS5 23.00 1
710425578441 Playstation 5 0 Take 2 Marvel's Midnight Suns Enhanced Edition PS5 25.00 52
710425577130 Playstation 5 0 Take 2 NBA 2K21 PS5 10.00 20
710425577611 Playstation 5 0 Take 2 NBA 2K22 (LATAM) PS5 14.00 39
710425577703 Playstation 5 0 Take 2 NBA 2K22 75th Anniversary PS5 50.00 12
710425671685 Playstation 5 0 Take 2 NBA 2K24 Kobe Bryant Edition (LATAM) PS5 18.50 100+
710425671517 Playstation 5 0 Take 2 NBA 2K24 Kobe Bryant Edition PS5 21.00 38
710425672484 Playstation 5 0 Take 2 NBA 2K25 PS5 42.00 100+
710425579899 Playstation 5 0 Take 2 New Tales From the Borderlands Deluxe ED PS5 18.00 49
710425579691 Playstation 5 0 Take 2 PGA Tour 2K23 PS5 30.00 31
710425579011 Playstation 5 0 Take 2 The Quarry PS5 25.00 6
710425672422 Playstation 5 0 Take 2 TopSpin 2K25 (LATAM) PS5 30.00 100+
710425578878 Playstation 5 0 Take 2 WWE 2K22 (LATAM) PS5 30.00 20
710425578830 Playstation 5 0 Take 2 WWE 2K22 PS5 21.50 31
710425670718 Playstation 5 0 Take 2 WWE 2K23 PS5 (LATAM) 21.00 100+
710425672019 Playstation 5 0 Take 2 WWE 2K24 PS5 34.00 100+
710425672095 Playstation 5 0 Take 2 WWE 2K24 PS5 38.00 100+
710425477621 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 BioShock: The Collection PS4 15.00 100+
710425574993 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 Borderlands 3 Collector Edition PS4 100.00 13
710425574931 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 Borderlands 3 PS4 12.00 100+
710425574894 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 Borderlands Games of the Year Ed PS4 13.50 100+
710425475337 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 Borderlands: The Handsome Collection PS4 13.00 42
710425574757 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 Carnival Games PS4 14.00 100+
710425575211 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 Civilization VI PS4 14.00 100+
710425473746 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 Evolve PS4 14.00 1
710425578335 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 Grand Theft Auto Trilogy The Definitive Ed PS4 25.00 100+
710425570322 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 Grand Theft Auto V Premium Edition PS4 16.00 100+
026555429092 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 Hades (Euro) PS4 24.00 3
710425570209 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 LA Noire PS4 15.00 75
710425671197 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 Lego 2K Drive (LATAM) PS4 24.00 100+
710425576805 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 Mafia Definitive Edition PS4 15.00 100+
710425476723 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 Mafia III PS4 15.00 100+
710425473609 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 NBA 2K14 Super Fan Pack (Digital Codes Only) PS3 + PS4 8.00 100+
710425477850 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 NBA 2K17 (LATAM) PS4 8.00 12
710425479892 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 NBA 2K18 (LATAM) PS4 12.00 100+
710425479120 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 NBA 2K18 Legend PS4 18.00 75
710425575532 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 NBA 2K20 LATAM PS4 12.00 100+
710425575259 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 NBA 2K20 PS4 14.00 19
710425576935 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 NBA 2K21 Mamba Forever Ed PS4 30.00 10
710425576843 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 NBA 2K21 PS4 15.00 58
710425579288 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 NBA 2K23 PS4 30.00 1
710425671555 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 NBA 2K24 Black Mamaba ED (LATAM) PS4 40.00 4
710425671678 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 NBA 2K24 Kobe Bryant Edition (LATAM) PS4 16.00 41
710425672460 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 NBA 2K25 PS4 40.00 100+
710425579875 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 New Tales From the Borderlands Deluxe ED PS4 25.00 37
710425575709 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 Outer Worlds (LATAM) PS4 18.50 14
710425575150 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 Outer Worlds PS4 28.00 60
710425576720 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 PGA Tour 2K21 PS4 10.00 100+
710425579677 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 PGA Tour 2K23 PS4 30.00 5
710425478949 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 Red Dead Redemption 2 (ROLA) PS4 18.50 47
710425478901 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 Red Dead Redemption 2 PS4 36.00 7
710425579035 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 The Quarry PS4 16.00 100+
710425672408 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 TopSpin 2K25 (LATAM) PS4 30.00 100+
710425577109 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 WWE 2K Battlegrounds (LATAM) PS4 12.00 100+
710425575969 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 WWE 2K Battlegrounds PS4 12.00 100+
710425670695 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 WWE 2K23 PS4 (LATAM) 21.00 34
710425672071 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 WWE 2K24 Latam PS4 20.00 100+
710425671999 Playstation 4 1 Take 2 WWE 2K24 PS4 30.00 100+
710425557385 Nintendo Switch 2 Take 2 Borderlands 3 Ultimate Edition NSW 30.00 100+
710425650970 Nintendo Switch 2 Take 2 LEGO 2K Drive NSW 30.00 36
710425459061 Nintendo Switch 2 Take 2 NBA 2K18 Tip Off Ed (LATAM) NSW 14.00 38
710425651540 Nintendo Switch 2 Take 2 NBA 2K24 Kobe Bryant Edition NSW 23.00 100+
710425652509 Nintendo Switch 2 Take 2 NBA 2K25 NSW 38.00 100+
710425399473 Xbox One 3 Take 2 Bioshock Infinite X360 /XB1 14.00 5
710425497612 Xbox One 3 Take 2 BioShock: The Collection XB1 16.00 1
710425595509 Xbox One 3 Take 2 Borderlands 3 (LATAM) XB1 12.00 100+
710425594946 Xbox One 3 Take 2 Borderlands 3 XB1 14.00 30
710425399824 Xbox One 3 Take 2 Borderlands GOTY XB1 /Xbox 360 13.00 100+
710425594762 Xbox One 3 Take 2 Carnival Games XB1 17.50 1
710425595226 Xbox One 3 Take 2 Civilization VI XB1 21.00 61
710425495014 Xbox One 3 Take 2 Evolve (LATAM) XB1 10.00 29
710425594809 Xbox One 3 Take 2 Golf Club 2019 Xbox One 10.00 100+
710425598401 Xbox One 3 Take 2 Grand Theft Auto Trilogy The Definitive Ed (LATAM) XB1 25.00 9
710425590337 Xbox One 3 Take 2 Grand Theft Auto V Premium Ed XB1 17.50 100+
710425499623 Xbox One 3 Take 2 LA Noire XB1 15.00 53
710425691201 Xbox One 3 Take 2 Lego 2K Drive (LATAM) XBONE 21.00 30
710425690969 Xbox One 3 Take 2 Lego 2k Drive Xbox/xb1 23.00 100+
710425496714 Xbox One 3 Take 2 Mafia III (LATAM) XB1 12.00 4
710425498145 Xbox One 3 Take 2 Mafia III Deluxe Ed XB1 21.00 25
710425597046 Xbox One 3 Take 2 Mafia: Definitive Edition XB1 23.00 1
710425494024 Xbox One 3 Take 2 NBA 2K14 XB1 12.00 4
710425493614 Xbox One 3 Take 2 NBA 2K14 Super Fan Pack (Digital Codes Only) Xbox 360 + Xbox One 6.00 100+
710425495120 Xbox One 3 Take 2 NBA 2K15 XB1 15.00 9
710425494147 Xbox One 3 Take 2 NBA 2K15 XB1 12.00 19
710425497841 Xbox One 3 Take 2 NBA 2K17 (LATAM) XB1 7.00 12
710425499906 Xbox One 3 Take 2 NBA 2K18 (LATAM) XB1 8.00 100+
710425499869 Xbox One 3 Take 2 NBA 2K18 Early Tip Off Ed (LATAM) Xbox One 10.00 83
710425499159 Xbox One 3 Take 2 NBA 2K18 Legend Gold XB1 35.00 15
710425590566 Xbox One 3 Take 2 NBA 2K19 (ROLA) XB1 10.00 100+
710425590627 Xbox One 3 Take 2 NBA 2K19 20th Anniv XB1 40.00 4
710425590504 Xbox One 3 Take 2 NBA 2K19 XB1 12.00 27
710425595325 Xbox One 3 Take 2 NBA 2K20 Legend Ed XB1 36.00 3
710425595264 Xbox One 3 Take 2 NBA 2K20 XB1 10.00 100+
710425596858 Xbox One 3 Take 2 NBA 2K21 XB1 10.00 70
710425597640 Xbox One 3 Take 2 NBA 2K22 (LATAM) XB1 15.00 15
710425597541 Xbox One 3 Take 2 NBA 2K22 XONE 12.00 49
710425599293 Xbox One 3 Take 2 NBA 2K23 (LATAM) XB1 23.00 50
710425691522 Xbox One 3 Take 2 NBA 2K24 Kobe Bryan Edition XB1 30.00 32
710425691690 Xbox One 3 Take 2 NBA 2k24 Latam XB1 14.00 46
710425692475 Xbox One 3 Take 2 NBA 2K25 XBONE 53.00 70
710425596735 Xbox One 3 Take 2 PGA Tour 2K21 XB1 15.00 37
710425498954 Xbox One 3 Take 2 Red Dead Redemption 2 (ROLA) XB1 18.50 5
710425595165 Xbox One 3 Take 2 The Outerworlds XB1 10.00 100+
710425599040 Xbox One 3 Take 2 The Quarry XB1 30.00 25
710425692000 Xbox One 3 Take 2 WWE 2K 24 Xbox ONE 45.00 100+
710425597114 Xbox One 3 Take 2 WWE 2K Battlegrounds (LATAM) XB1 12.00 100+
710425496776 Xbox One 3 Take 2 WWE 2K16 (LATAM) XB1 23.00 16
710425590061 Xbox One 3 Take 2 WWE 2K18 Deluxe Ed (LATAM) XB1 45.00 3
710425595462 Xbox One 3 Take 2 WWE 2K20 Deluxe Ed XB1 82.00 1
710425598302 Xbox One 3 Take 2 WWE 2K22 (LATAM) XB1 32.00 18
710425598265 Xbox One 3 Take 2 WWE 2K22 XB1 30.00 81
710425595974 Xbox One 3 Take 2 WWE Battlegrounds XB1 14.00 2
710425590122 Xbox One 3 Take 2 XCOM 2 Collection XB1 14.00 100+
710425497476 Xbox One 3 Take 2 XCOM 2 XB1 10.00 27
710425472701 PlayStation 3 4 Take 2 BioShock Infinite PS3 12.00 100+
710425472671 PlayStation 3 4 Take 2 Borderlands 2: Add-on Content Pack PS3 12.00 100+
710425378864 PlayStation 3 4 Take 2 Borderlands Game of the Year Edition PS3 10.00 100+
710425379864 PlayStation 3 4 Take 2 Borderlands GOTY (CN) PS3 10.00 100+
710425373282 PlayStation 3 4 Take 2 Borderlands PS3 12.00 46
710425474064 PlayStation 3 4 Take 2 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel PS3 8.00 100+
710425372407 PlayStation 3 4 Take 2 Civilization Revolution PS3 10.00 100+
710425470165 PlayStation 3 4 Take 2 Darkness II Limited Ed PS3 18.00 11
710425377426 PlayStation 3 4 Take 2 Major League Baseball 2K10 PS3 10.00 35
710425379635 PlayStation 3 4 Take 2 Major League Baseball 2K11 PS3 10.00 2
710425374845 PlayStation 3 4 Take 2 NBA 2K9 (CN) PS3 12.00 8
710425374739 PlayStation 3 4 Take 2 NHL 2K9 PS3 10.00 6
710425470066 PlayStation 3 4 Take 2 Red Dead Redemption Game of the Year PS3 14.00 10
710425379550 PlayStation 3 4 Take 2 XCOM Declassified: The Bureau: PS3 12.00 100+
710425471452 PlayStation 3 4 Take 2 XCOM: Enemy Unknown PS3 10.00 100+
710425472886 PlayStation 3 4 Take 2 XCOM: Enemy Within PS3 32.00 5
710425346194 Nintendo Wii 6 Take 2 Birthday Party Bash WII 14.00 7
710425342974 Nintendo Wii 6 Take 2 Rockstar Games Table Tennis WII 18.00 12
710425343728 Nintendo Wii 6 Take 2 Top Spin 3 WII 21.00 11
710425494253 Xbox 360 7 Take 2 Bioshock Infinite Complete Ed (CN) Xbox 360 14.00 1
710425398803 Xbox 360 7 Take 2 Borderlands Game of the Year Edition Xbox 360 15.00 1
710425393297 Xbox 360 7 Take 2 Borderlands Xbox 360 10.00 35
710425494055 Xbox 360 7 Take 2 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Xbox 360 10.00 71
710425491092 Xbox 360 7 Take 2 Darkness II Xbox 360 15.00 4
710425399541 Xbox 360 7 Take 2 XCOM Declassified: The Bureau: X360 8.00 63
710425450990 Nintendo 3DS 9 Take 2 Carnival Games: Wild West 3DS 13.00 48
710425598692 Series X 100 Take 2 Grand Theft Auto V (LATAM) XSX 21.50 20
710425691225 Series X 100 Take 2 Lego 2K Drive (LATAM) XBSX 18.00 30
710425597145 Series X 100 Take 2 NBA 2K21 XSX 10.00 80
710425597626 Series X 100 Take 2 NBA 2K22 (LATAM) XSX 8.00 100+
710425599279 Series X 100 Take 2 NBA 2K23 (LATAM) SXS 21.00 42
710425691706 Series X 100 Take 2 NBA 2K24 Kobe Bryant Edition XBSX 16.00 100+
710425690648 Series X 100 Take 2 WWE 2K23 XBSX 16.00 100+

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